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Section: Research Program

High order discretizations on moving adaptive meshes

We will work on both the improvement of high order mesh generation and adaptation techniques, and the construction of more efficient, adaptive high order discretisation methods.

Concerning curved mesh generation, we will focus on two points. First propose a robust and automatic method to generate curved simplicial meshes for realistic geometries. The untangling algorithm we plan to develop is a hybrid technique that gathers a local mesh optimization applied on the surface of the domain and a linear elasticity analogy applied in its volume. Second we plan to extend the method proposed in [26] to hybrid meshes (prism/tetra).

For time dependent adaptation we will try to exploit as much as possible the use of r-adaptation techniques based on the solution of some PDE system for the mesh. We will work on enhancing the results of [29] by developing more robust nonlinear variants allowing to embed rapidly moving objects. For this the use of non-linear mesh PDEs (cf e.g. [80], [85], [38]), combined with Bezier type approximations for the mesh displacements to accommodate high order curved meshes [26], and with improved algorithms to discretize accurately and fast the elliptic equations involved. For this we will explore different type of relaxation methods, including those proposed in [71], [75], [74] allowing to re-use high order discretizations techniques already used for the flow variables. All these modelling approaches for the mesh movement are based on some minimization argument, and do not allow easily to take into account explicitly properties such as e.g. the positivity of nodal volumes. An effort will be made to try to embed these properties, as well as to improve the control on the local mesh sizes obtained. Developments made in numerical methods for Lagrangian hydrodynamics and compressible materials may be a possible path for these objectives (see e.g. [49], [91], [90] and references therein). We will stretch the use of these techniques as much as we can, and couple them with remeshing algorithms based on local modifications plus conservative, high order, and monotone ALE (or other) remaps (cf. [27], [58], [92], [47] and references therein).

The development of high order schemes for the discretization of the PDE will be a major part of our activity. We will work from the start in an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian setting, so that mesh movement will be easily accommodated, and investigate the following main points: